Can I Wear Reading Glasses All The Time

The eyes are one of the complex organs in our body. And as with everything in our body, eyes too get an impact of age. Our eye structure becomes less flexible as we age. This problem is called Presbyopia, and it commonly occurs after the age of 40-50. This can happen to anyone. Although the condition can’t be reversed, wearing reading glasses helps a lot.

Reading glasses are specialized eyewear that helps people with presbyopia vision loss easily see better. But is it okay to wear reading glasses all the time, every day? While it seems obvious to wear glasses to have a better view. But you should only wear reading glasses only when needed. Why? Read the article to know more.

What happens if you wear reading glasses all the time?

Often people use reading glasses only when they have something to read or do other activity that requires a close-up look. While this is an ideal way, some people prefer to keep their glasses on to keep them handy whenever they need them. This has no disadvantages, but you should only rely on them for some tasks.

Wearing reading glasses all the time does not harm your eye health. But you may get a headache when driving, playing sports, or doing any other activity that needs broader vision scope. So choosing the right glasses for your situation is essential. 

You can get simple prescription lenses from your local drugstore. But If you also need prescription glasses, you should consult an optometrist for bifocal reading glasses. An optometrist will thoroughly examine your eyes and will give you custom prescription glasses that you can wear. Depending on how much you spend your time in front of a computer or mobile screen, you may also need blue light filter lenses.

Tips for using reading glasses the right way

Whether you are men or a woman, most of us need reading glasses to have good vision after a certain age. While you may acquire a good quality pair of reading glasses for men or women, they still require care. Here are some helpful tips that you should follow using reading glasses. 

Keep at least two pairs.

If you can afford it, keep multiple pairs of prescription glasses in different places, like the office, bedroom, car, etc. This way, you will always have one pair with you whenever you need it. But if having multiple glasses is slightly an expense for you, at least keep two pairs, one for home or office and one with yourself.

Don't take them off from one side.

Keeping the reading glasses on your face is not a wise thing to do. So, you often have to wear them and take them off several times a day when you don’t use them. When you take them off, make sure you use both of your hands. Pulling reading glasses off your face with a single hand may deform the frame and make it uncomfortably sit on your face.

Don't put them up on your head.

Many people habitually slide their glasses up on their heads when they don’t want them. But this is actually harmful to your glasses’ life. Sliding glasses up to your head puts a stretch on the temples, which will get loose over time. Instead, get a rope for your reading glasses and hand them around your neck when not in use.

Take them off when sleeping.

Reading before sleep may be a regular activity for you. But make sure you take your glasses off when you hit the bed after your daily reading session. Sometimes, glasses become part of us so much that we forget we are wearing one. As a result, we often forget to take them off and fall asleep while they are still on our heads. But doing so might give your glasses a deformation or even snap. So make a habit of taking off your glasses before bed.

Clean them with a microfiber cloth

This is not just for reading glasses; any glass, whether prescription or shades, should be cleaned with a microfiber cloth. This is a type of soft cloth that cleanse your lenses without giving them scratches. You don’t have to buy this cloth additionally as it often comes with the glasses you buy.

Buy high-quality reading glasses in South Africa.

Reading glasses are a life-saving accessory for presbyopia patients. If you have this far-eyesight problem and want to buy reading glasses online, you have come to the right place. Global Eyes is a leading eyewear store in South Africa, offering the widest range of reading glasses for women and men in various stylish frames. Check out our website or visit our exclusive showroom and pick your reading glass frame today.

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  • 65 Lilian Road, Fordsburg
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